The DotA2 International day two winner bracket quarterfinal match between MYM and Scythe.SG. Go to for full Gamescom schedule and results.
MYM The Radiant
Scythe The Dire
- scythe should have picked slardar because they are both "SG"
- How are they playing already?
- 1:05:00 hahaha, Lesh leads Tide and SK on a little chase around some stupid trees, hilarious
- I personally think they only difference between DotA2 and DotA is the graphics...they even have the fog area done exactly same as DotA, Hero skills are nearly same...
- @SwertKendy Less work for Valve and more money for Valve.
- Anyone else think it's funny how Nature's Prophet at the end there got 6 kills, 6 deaths, and 6 assists? 666?Nature...Really?
- Is there a site where I can find a hero list with abilities and such?
- @whoisTRAUMA here playdota[dot]com/heroes the heroes in dota2 will obviously be the same(until they bring out new heroes)
- @whoisTRAUMA I haven't seen anything for Dota2 specifically but it looks like most of the heroes in these videos are quite close/faithful to the original hero's abilities.
- wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwtf this is ownage, i can't wait!
- Dota looks like Hon more
- @totalwafflerofl Actually, Dota was first introduced in WC. HoN copied it. This is Dota 2, so it makes sense it looks a lot like Dota
- @wowviewer A side-question: DotA Allstars was created but subsequently deserted by Guinsoo and taken over by Icefrog, and now both of them will be embarking on games of similar genre - Guinsoo with LoL and Icefrog with DotA2; which of the two deserves recognition more? The original creator and one who created more interesting heroes, or one who has tirelessly balanced the game to make it more fun and competitive? My vote goes to Icefrog...
- @vansulo nice try, troll
- Where is invoker?
- Superbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
- Hmmm... I know some people who hate unit responses, so these ones where they talk about everything are gonna be hatin'Personally I think it's cool.
- Sigh looks a little like LoL i hope they have invoker in this game
- @asianboi1004NO shit here dude, it dont looks like anything else than DOTA!!!!
- @asianboi1004 You mean LoL looks a little bit like DOTA... Which looks like Warcraft.
- 00:50:00-00:50:12lol
- Game Looks Unreal!!! but I kinda hope they put a level icon next to each players health bar like HoN so that I don't have to type -ma all game -.- but either way cant wait for it!!!
- Doesn't look as good as I thought it'd be. SC2 has way better graphics.
- @j3ff86 LoL implying graphics are all that make a game good
- they were expecting to win with an int team?
- @everybodytookmyname Lol look at this guy trying to act like he knows everything about this game when he has never touched the game. kudos to you sir I have never seen someone try and make them self seem so big over the internet, youre a grade A clown.
- MyM suck some big and fat ****
- Proud of them as a Singaporean, YOU GUYS CAN DO IT!!!
- This game wasn't as impressive as I thought it would be, atleast from a spec view...
- can som1 tell why half the heroes are blue ?
- @Kynaeus I hate the commentators sometimes, especially during team fights. They try to name every spell going off in the span of a few seconds and it just sounds liked they're screaming nonsense. ECHO-SLAM CLOCKWERK HOOK AND COGS MIRANA ARROW SAND KING HIDES IN THE DUST THEN GETS FUCKED IN THE BUTT BY LINA'S STUN etc
- @tadpolejovian no HON + LOL x 20,000,0000 = DOTA x 100,000,000,000 = DOTA 2.
- This is not nearly as interesting without the commentators...
- @Kynaeus I know! so boring watchin without control or a commentator!
- Miranda's arrow is pro
- cool
- spoiler? ...
- looks so muc like LOL ..
- @xjax10 derp.
- @xjax10 all cartoon graphics do not look like LoL, dont be a fucking retard down syndrome kid.
- @xjax10no shit, really? but I guess it's not because LoL looks so much like dota....oh wait
- I've played hon for so long that i've forgotten most of the heroes :(
- lol the Sand King was pretty active xD funny dude
- Game starts at 13:18
- Scythe.SG ftw.
- @chongkee931993 Na'Vi shall win
- no commentaion suck
- @Rob19xx there's an english version derp. watch?v=Cl0T-gDqSbw&feature=pl